Arboreals Phase 2

minting April 2024 - presale live now

The second phase of the Arboreals project is an 8,000 supply generative collection like nothing else in Web3.
Blockchain:  Cross-chain (will be minted on ETH and SOL)
Target Public Price:  .055 ETH

Incredible art.  real utility. organic community



This isn't your typical cartoon jpg.
  • The art of the collection is intended to capture the spirit of the forest.
  • All hand drawn models, traits, and backgrounds in Arbo’s iconic style
  • Over 40 different unique character models
  • 100+ traits all customized for each character
  • Animals, humans, elves, spirits and more
  • a number of 1-1 by Arbo and guest artists hidden throughout the collection



an Arboreal is a lifetime membership pass to IRL + web3 utility
  • Art airdrops, access to future collections
  • Backed by an IRL business centered around the 100 acre Arboreal Forest Estate located in Providence County RI,  45 min from Boston, 2.5 hr from NYC
  • Premier access to events, retreats, events
  • Tokenomics system supported by value created from business activities
  • Discounts, product giveaways, and more.
read more

How to get a phase 2 Arboreal

there are four ways


current price .01 and up

Mint an NFT from one of the limited edition pre-sales running now, while prices are low (currently at ~$36) !

    • pre-sale is allow-list only!  To get on the list,  Join the Discord and engage with the community.  requirements for allowlist may change from time to time, details will be listed and updated on the discord.
    • The pre-sale consistes of 6 separate limited edition collections, each illustrating a different scene in the creation of the Arboreals creative universe.
    • Editions are sold on a First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis, and will be stopped after the supply cap is met.
    • Each collection is available on multiple blockchains.  Currently minting on Sol or Eth, additional chains may be added based on demand.
    • you will be eligible for one free Phase 2 Arboreal for every NFT that you hold from any of the pre-sale collections.


.05 Eth +

Hold art from the original OG Arboreal Collection, which will qualify you for a phase 2 token airdrop in April


.055 Eth

Wait until the final contract and art is complete and mint once the Public sales is opened – no sooner than April 15th


price ???? 

Buy one with the specific character that you want by purchasing on the secondary market after April when it is minted and revealed

Pre-Sale #1: "Going off the Trail"

JAN 21 2024

100 edition limited edition

.005 ETH or .13 SOL


For every token from this limited edition that you hold, you will get one phase 2 Arboreal for free when the final contract and art is ready in April

“Beneath the watchful eye of the moon, I tread softly, the familiar crunch of the forest floor beneath my paws now a distant memory. This sphere—gleaming, enigmatic—pulls at the core of my being, a siren call that speaks in silvery echoes. It’s not the trail that beckons me tonight, but the allure of what lies beyond. Every instinct is electrified, every sense tells me that here, in this moment, the forest breathes with me, and the unknown promises a glimpse into mysteries as old as the stars.”


Pre-Sale #2: "The pull of the Unknown"

JAN 31 2024

50 edition limited edition

.01 ETH or .26 SOL


For every token from this limited edition that you hold, you will get one phase 2 Arboreal for free when the final contract and art is ready in April

“As I ride the thermals, a strange pull diverts my flight. Below, a spiraling dance of light captivates me, its core shining with a brilliance that mimics the sun’s own glare. I circle, descending, the forest’s mosaic blurring into hues of autumn. This is no ordinary glint that beckons but a beacon from beyond the realm of treetops and skies—a call that resonates with the very feathers that carve my path through the air. I am no longer just a creature of the winds; I am a seeker, a voyager between the whispering leaves and the silent secrets of the light below.”


Allowlist Only


Pre-Sale #3: ????


25 edition limited edition / Max 5 per wallet

.015 ETH or .39 SOL


For every token from this limited edition that you hold, you will get one phase 2 Arboreal for free when the final contract and art is ready in April

Allowlist Only



Chief Tree Hugger

Arbo, aka. Kris Schumacher, is a NY and RI based artist and entrepreneur. Arbo’s surreal, stream-of-consciousness art springs from his childhood in the forest. He revels in natural, analog processes and the mystery shrouding the spaces between things. An entrepreneur at heart, he helms social impact ventures, driving towards his dream: melding a living outdoor metaverse with an artist retreat and living art museum on his 100-acre estate.

To view his full portfolio of available artwork, (which may not all come with specific benefits in the Arboreal ecosystem), head to Arbo’s page